September 14, 2009

Yin v. Yang

Good things about my new job:
7.5 hours a day, and they're flexible.
A fresh start.
Department meetings.
New people to befriend.
Challenges for my brain.
8 straight hours of Coldplay on Pandora.
Lunch breaks.
Microsoft Outlook (don't ask me why, I just love it).
Health insurance. Good health insurance.
My team, because they're fantastic.
Bake Sales. 5 bake sales since August 1rst, because RECares.
Riverport sound checks.
All of my co-workers born before 2000 and none of them wear diapers (I don't think)
Diet Dr. Pepper fountain drinks...all day long.
Morning work outs.
Annual pay raises.

Bad things about my job:
I can't make a Target run count as work time, no matter how hard I try.
Candy machines.
Already found spider veins from sitting for too long.
Everyone knows how often I have to pee. It's frequent.
My awkwardness is not charming yet, just a little strange.
The amount of time I spend on highways numbered -70.
They are old friends, but I'm the new girl.
Actually, I'm not so much a girl. 29 is old in my office, especially for an EA (editorial assistant)
Bake Sales. 5 bake sales since August 1rst. RECares, but not about my diet.
No one there knows how funny I am, which contributes to the awkwardness.

Altogether, the good far outweighs the bad. But the bad is funnier.

FYI: I did a report on South Korea in 5th grade, which is when I first learned about the yinYang.
Your Welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Get one of those big balls to sit on, it won't be awkward at all.
