April 1, 2009

Dear March

Dear March,
You Suck.
Love, Anne

1. I can't count on the weather, so I keep a pair of flip flops AND Uggs available at all times.

2. I am not pregnant with the second coming of Christ. Missing 4 periods in a row is perfectly normal for a 28 year old virgin who has never been on birth control before.

3. Nothing is certain but death, taxes and getting screwed by death and taxes.

4. If I had known about www.paperbackswap.com years ago, I might not be so upset about the taxes b/c my money might actually be in my bank account and not in Barnes & Noble's coffers.

5. Firefly Lane is a great book, but prepare to cry. And I mean, Lovestory cry. Sobbing, snotty, gasping for air, but in the best way possible, cry. Fair warning.

6. When I don't blog, people get mad at me.

7. Apparently I carry all of my stress in my upper back/neck area. And when things get bad (and they have been terrible, trust me) the stress manifests itself as sharp, shooting pain that gets worse with time, not better.

8. Not being able to sleep for 4 weeks due to neck pain will make a bitch dream crazy. Quit your job(s), slap yo' mama, move to Switzerland CRAZY!

9. Everyone in the free world got pregnant last May/June and now I feel like I am supposed to bring all of them casseroles. And I don't DO casserole.

10. Goodbye, Battlestar Galactica. I shall miss you most of all.

Dear April,
Hope you have better things in store for me, or so help me God...
Love, Anne