January 11, 2011

Week 1

I lost 3.5 pounds!  Don't want to jinx it, but I'm feeling pretty good about things today :)  My week 1 goal was to drink all my water and write down/upload (WW for the 21rst century) everything I ate.  I feel confident that I can keep that up, so the goal for week 2 is 20 minutes of cardio everyday, no matter what.  Baby steps, but I want to make real changes that work and aren't too intimidating.  I'm not trying to run a marathon or anything, but who knows what the future holds?!
P.S.  Not gonna lie, I totally bought a pair of Sketchers 'Shape Up' shoes today.  I'm such a badass.
More to Come!


  1. I love you Anne and am so proud of you! You are a total badass. I will encourage you in any way i can but will not ask you to walk....well unless you want to. :) Happy 2011!

  2. I have the Avia version of the Shape Ups. Kim Kardashian wears Shape Ups so it's totally cool! Yay you!
